Mini Analysis

Mini Analysis

For the time poor who are wanting to improve their music analysis skills, I’ve got you covered! These videos were born out of a desire to provide resources to Music students and a lack of time. Fortunately, this seems to have been a winning combination and there are even people wanting to know where all the videos are in one place! WOW!!!

So, here’s the exhaustive list (as per time of publishing!)

Let me know if there are any topics you would like covered and the context you’re using these videos in.

Remember to check for upcoming ONLINE EVENTS!

Mini Analysis 1 – Tone Colour 1

Mini Analysis 2 – Tone Colour 2

Mini Analysis 3 – Quick Fire Tone Colour

Mini Analysis 4 – Levelling Up! 

Mini Analysis 5 – Writer’s Block

Mini Analysis 6 – Articulation

Mini Analysis 7– Linking to Musical Character

Mini Analysis 8– Linking to Musical Character II Articulation

Mini Analysis 9 – Articulation and Character

Mini Analysis 10 – Quick Fire Articulation