About us

About us

Jenny Gillan - Music Educator

Jenny Gillan

Jenny Gillan has taught Music at all levels; from early childhood to primary, secondary, tertiary and teacher training. She is a passionate advocate of music literacy. She currently teaches at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School where she oversees the aural program and teaches listening analysis and Musicianship at the Junior level up to VCE. She conducts two choirs at St Michael’s Grammar School and has presented at many conferences across Australia and overseas in the USA, Malaysia . Jenny studied at the Kodály Institute in Hungary, obtained her Masters of Music Studies in Queensland and taught in the UK. She is the author of the Music Analysis text book “Listening Beyond Hearing” and the Musicianship text books, “Progressive Musicianship” Volumes I and II.

Web: https://listeningbeyondhearing.com.au
Email: [email protected]

Contact us

Listening Beyond Hearing
ABN: 76 557 825 950

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 (0) 405 617 115
Mail: PO Box 5434, Clayton VIC 3169